Ifactor author by van moody
Ifactor author by van moody

ifactor author by van moody

“The church raises moral questions of previous leaders. One of his greatest concerns, Moody noted, was the impact the church’s “hypocrisy” and failure to accurately reflect Scripture will have on the next generation. “definitely” has a race problem, compared to a 2019 survey. The Pew Research Center reports a decrease in support for the Black Lives Matter movement among White Americans, while a survey by the Barna Group reveals that motivation has dwindled overall among White Christians “to address racial injustice in our society.” The Barna findings also show a decrease in the number of White Christians who say the U.S.

ifactor author by van moody

Recent survey findings suggest that Black Christians looking for their White counterparts to speak up on race perhaps should not get their hopes up. “I had high expectations for the church to be the church, typically on this issue of race,” said Moody. Moody, author of The People Factor and The I Factor books, grew up in both Black and White church environments and was heavily influenced by White Christian leaders as a youth in Atlanta. And it’s really really been disappointing for me,” The Worship Center Christian Church pastor told Faithfully Magazine.

ifactor author by van moody

Now, a few of them have, but by and large, it’s been silence and the silence is deafening.


“To see how White evangelicals in particular have, in many ways, abandoned the full truth of Scripture for political gain, and how I really looked desperately for a lot of my White evangelical brothers to speak up. Moody says he will also address misconceptions about Christianity and politics. But race will not be the only focus of his new series.

Ifactor author by van moody